Primary Curriculum 2024-25
Our curriculum intent is predicated on our school vision:
Every pupil will learn the skills and develop the confidence needed to become a valued, integrated and independent member of the community.
The curriculum has two main pathways which aims to meet the needs of our diverse cohort.
Pathway 1- is for ASC pupils that have a high level of communication and sensory needs. Some pupils in Pathway 1 with very high needs and ASC barriers to learning have a personalised curriculum that focuses on a therapeutic, sensory and social skills approach. Also in Pathway 1 there is a very strong emphasis on SCERTS to promote Social communication and emotional regulation for ASC pupils and we use the TEACCH approach to foster independence.
Pathway 2- is for pupils who can access a more knowledge based curriculum.
Both pathways offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the new National Curriculum but also offers other experiences and opportunities which best meet the learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school. The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful and motivated learners who develop the independence and social and communication skills to thrive in the community and in future employment.
There is a strong focus on Personal Development which includes the Thrive Approach to assess their developmental social and emotional needs.
English: The school recognises that the children’s significant barriers to learning include reading, writing and communication. Therefore there is a strong emphasis on developing communication in Early Years and KS1 using Makaton, visual support and technology. The school also puts a big emphasis on developing early reading and phonics. We believe every teacher is a teacher of reading and ensure all specialist teachers are trained in correct teaching of phonics, so that it permeates through all curriculum areas. The school uses The Power of Reading scheme to promote the love of reading and ensure access to a wide range of quality fiction and non-fiction texts. The use of this scheme also ensures structured and sequential teaching and learning in English. The Read, Write Inc. approach is used to teach phonics and reading and to support the development of literacy skills across the curriculum. Short phonics sessions are taught on a daily basis during English lessons and the skills are applied and developed in other lessons across the curriculum. Reading is taught through shared, guided and individual sessions using age appropriate staged reading schemes. In EYS pupils follow the new framework guidance and experience high quality practical and outdoor play opportunities within the teaching of the English, phonics and communication curriculum.
Mathematics: We use a ‘Mastery’ approach to teach Mathematics which has three key principles: deep understanding, mathematical thinking and mathematical language. It provides structure and sequential learning for the pupils and develops mathematical vocabulary. Maths Meetings are a vital part of our Maths Mastery programme and are used to consolidate key learning. Pupils are encouraged to learn through practical activities and opportunities for real life application of Maths. There is a Maths online programme used to encourage parents to support their children at home with applying concepts taught in school. In EYS pupils follow the new framework guidance and experience high quality practical and outdoor play opportunities within the teaching of the Mathematics curriculum
Science In KS1 and KS2: In Science, pupils in KS1 and KS2 are taught to deveop their knowledge and skills using practical scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the programme of study content. Work is recorded in a variety of ways including the use of drawings, charts, graphs and photographs. Pupils in Pathway 1 classes experience a range of different science topics through a half termly theme. Pathway 2 classes are taught subject specific half-termly science topics, according to the national curriculum.
Computing: We have developed a Computing Scheme of Work to meet the criteria of the computing curriculum. There is a key emphasis on learning skills for computing; these include: programming, debugging, using logical reasoning and exchanging information. Our children are taught how to access information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs. Digital Literacy is a big part of the curriculum, with children learning how to use ICT and the internet safely, whilst also recognising the importance of technology beyond school. At regular points throughout the year children undertake online safety sessions on topics such as cyberbullying or keeping information safe, and also identify where to go if they have any concerns.
Other subjects in KS1 and KS2 include: Art and design, Geography & History (Humanities), Music, Physical Education (PE), Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Religious Education. RSE is embedded in the PHSE curriculum. KS2 pupils are taught by specialist art, PE, computing and music teachers. Religious Education is enriched through thematic days linked to key religious and cultural festivals for all the world faiths.
Extension opportunities are organised according to the pupils’ age and ability. Examples of these include KS2 pupils having swimming sessions in the local community pool. The timetable also includes ‘Readiness to Learn’ sessions that help pupils settle after transitions and ‘Social Communication/Life Skills’ which are used to promote and improve personal development and social skills.
Homework: For many of our pupils their time at school can be emotionally demanding. We are also aware of the length of time pupils may spend travelling to and from school. We therefore do not expect pupils to be studying and completing homework at the end of every school day. As in other areas of teaching and learning, homework is highly personalised. All pupils are encouraged to take home reading books and parents/carers are encouraged to build on their pupils’ interests and life experiences in order to supplement their schoolwork. The Maths online programme supports parents to help their children consolidate concepts learned in school with real life application opportunities. Any parent/carer who wishes to support school work at home in more depth can discuss and agree this with the class teacher.
Enrichment, cultural capital and therapeutic offers: The pupils have access to the following therapeutic areas in line with their EHCP provision:
Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Dance and Movement Therapy, a Nurture group provision, Play Therapy, Music Therapy, Thrive sessions in the Thrive rooms and Sensory sessions in our Sensory room.
An allotment and a Horticulture Practitioner.
The Outdoor Village role play area.
Educational visits linked to the curriculum units pupils are covering.
A range of After School clubs that change term by term but include: Sports, Brownies, Lego therapy, and reading and role play in the library.
Social and community visits for ASC pupils.
In-house workshops and drama and music performances to boost cultural capital.
Details of our curriculum for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 can be found below. Further details of the curriculum can be obtained by contacting Mr A Van Dyk, Head of Primary, via the school Office at
Key Stage 1
Pathway 1
Pathway 2
Key Stage 2
Pathway 1
Pathway 2