The process of planning for Post-16 education starts with a discussion when the child is in year 9 (see Post-16 Process Map), followed by Annual Review meetings, interviews with the LA Connexions Adviser and discussions between the school, parents/carers and the young person.

Marjory Kinnon provides careers guidance and support for pupils and parents in conjunction with the Careers Advisor in Hounslow 14-19 service and the West London Careers Hub.

The school has a work-related learning curriculum in KS3 and KS4. The Gatsby benchmarks underpin the curriculum and provision. In KS3, the Work & Life Skills programme is guided by Talentino Careers, a programme that helps to deliver better Careers guidance using the three strands of: Personal and Social Development; Employability and Enterprise Skills; and Career Management Skills. The aim is to maximise the possibility of achieving the next best step for young people who experience multiple and diverse barriers.

In KS4, the students take part in, and complete introductory BTEC accreditation. BTECs are specialist work-related qualifications. They combine practical learning with subject and theory content.

Throughout KS4, the pupils also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of work experiences both internally, within different departments of the school, and externally, on different placements within the local community.  The school works with DFN Project Search, The Feltham Convening Partnership and Spark! to provide meaningful work experiences to our pupils.

Additionally, the school runs a bespoke Careers Fair, where all pupils and parents can find out about different career sectors, fill in job applications and experience mock interviews.

Talks with providers, businesses (such as the Heathrow Marriott Hotel) and DFN Project Search are also scheduled and available to parents in preparation for college, post 16 provision and adulthood.

There are 3 main pathways for the pupils post 16:

  • A local supported learning college (Most pupils attending the colleges will be in supported learning, completing vocational course and aiming for Foundation Level 1 courses).
  • A special school 6th Form with specialist post 16 provision.
  • A supported internship.

The school provides a comprehensive list of links and open day dates for all college and post 16 provision within the borough, and online sessions with the Hounslow Connexions team provide information to parents about the application process.

Responsibility and oversight for careers is held by Mrs A Higgins - Head of Secondary and Mr J Gowers - Assistant Headteacher KS4 / Preparation for Adulthood.  Mrs Higgins and Mr Gowers can be contacted via the School Office on


Education and Training Providers 

All students in Years 8 to 11 at Marjory Kinnon School are entitled to:

  • find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of our careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
  • hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships;
  • understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

Our Provider Access Policy Statement sets out how education and training providers have access to our students.

Provider Access Policy Statement