Our School Vision:  Every pupil will learn the skills and develop the confidence needed to become a valued, integrated and independent member of the community.

In order to achieve our Vision Statement the school invests heavily in its therapeutic provision to ensure complex barriers to learning are addressed and to support pupils to make the best progress possible.  It underpins our curriculum by supporting three key aims:

- Social communication;

- Independence;

- Integration into the community.

Our therapeutic provision includes:


SPEECH & LANGUAGE THERAPY                                                                    

Lead Therapist - Isobel Hatfield


The aim of Speech & Language Therapy at Marjory Kinnon is to encourage all children to develop lifelong communication skills to their highest potential.  The therapist works alongside class teachers and teaching assistants to build techniques and programmes into the curriculum and classroom routines. 

Children also benefit from group work and targeted interventions.

SaLT Information Sheets:

Using Apps to support Speech, Language & Communication

iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs


AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication.  Please see the links to the handouts below, which explain more about what AAC is and how we are using it at school.

What is AAC?


What is TouchChat?

What is BIGmack?

Signing has many benefits - it supports understanding and processing of verbal language, encourages development of language by reducing pressure of communication, helps reduce frustration and anxiety around communication and above all, it's FUN!

Each week we are learning a new Makaton sign.  This week's sign is Dance


OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY                                                                             

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a branch of healthcare that helps people of all ages who have physical, sensory, or cognitive problems.  OT can help them regain independence in all areas of their lives.  Occupational therapists help with barriers that affect a child's emotional, social, and physical needs.  To do this, they use everyday activities, exercises, and other therapies.

OT helps children play, improves their school performance, and aids their daily activities.  It also boosts their self-esteem and confidence.

With OT, children can:

  • Develop fine motor skills so they can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting or computer skills.
  • Improve eye–hand coordination so they can play and do needed school skills such as bat a ball and hold a pencil and pen to write better.
  • Master basic life skills such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing teeth and self-feeding.
  • Learn positive behaviours and social skills by practicing how they manage frustration and anger.
  • Use special equipment to support independence that can include wheelchairs, splints, bathing equipment, dressing devices, and communication aids.

OT Programme of Home Activity Suggestions:

No1: Gross Motor Skills

No2: Fine Motor Skills

No3: Pre-writing Skills

No4: Summer Fun Activities


Music Therapy draws upon the innate qualities of music to support pupils of all ages and abilities.  Central to how Music Therapy works is the therapeutic relationship that is established and developed, through engagement in live musical interaction and play between a therapist and client.  A wide range of musical styles and instruments can be used, including the voice, and the music is often improvised.  Using music in this way enables clients to create their own unique musical language in which to explore and connect with the world and express themselves.

Because musical participation and response does not depend solely on the ability to speak, Music Therapy is a particularly effective intervention for children who have difficulty communicating verbally. For pupils affected by disability, illness or injury, working with music therapists can be life-changing.  Children with autism can develop emotional, social and communication skills.

Everyone has the ability to respond to music, and Music Therapy uses this connection to facilitate positive changes in emotional wellbeing and communication through the engagement in live musical interaction between child and therapist.  It can help develop and facilitate communication skills, improve self-confidence and independence, enhance self-awareness and awareness of others, improve concentration and attention skills.




We are a Thrive School with Trauma Informed training that helps us put mental health and well-being at the heart of all we do.  The school has trained Thrive practitioners and has a Thrive and nurture resource base that provides interventions based on the child’s emotional developmental need.

One of our mission statements is that we ‘nurture’ children to help remove barriers to learning and the Thrive approach underpins our behaviour and personal development strategies.  Teachers are trained to do class based assessments and deliver action plans that focus on developing the children’s emotional well-being.

We have a nurture group classroom and a trained Nurture group teacher and play therapist who heads up this provision.






The school believes in the powerful therapeutic impact of gardening and outdoor learning in nature.  We have a large Allotment and Eco Garden where produce is grown all year round.  Children are given 1:1 and group therapeutic sessions with our specialist horticulture teachers.





In line with keeping fit and healthy, our specialist PE teachers provide 1:1 interventions for selected children when we feel their mental health needs boosting.







What does a school therapy dog do?

So many things from soothing, calming, helping improve attendance and fitness by going for long walks with the dog.

Rumi helps ASC pupils explore empathy and appropriate interpersonal skills and helps individuals develop social skills.  The presence of animals can more quickly build rapport between the teacher and pupil, and improve the children’s skills to pick up social cues imperative to human relationships.

Rumi has his very own page on this website.