At Marjory Kinnon School, we recognise that good attendance is vital for the children’s academic and social progress at school.
Parent/carers should ensure that their child attends school to ensure learning is not disrupted and should therefore not organise holidays during term time.
Reporting your child’s absence
Telephone the school as soon as possible on 020 8890 8890 or 020 8890 2032.
Registers of attendance are taken at 8.55am and 1:30pm. Late registration is recorded and monitored.
Absences are monitored by the school and, if necessary, by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO). Pupils whose attendance drops below 90% will be monitored and parent/carers will be contacted where reasons for absences are unknown or not acceptable. Letters will be sent to parents regarding non-attendance. If the absences continue to cause concern the school will refer a pupil to the EWO.
Individual pupils causing concern will be placed on a monthly monitoring list.
Parents will receive a record of their child’s attendance record in the school report presented at the Annual Review.