School Transport and Independent Travel
School Travel Assistance
School Travel Assistance is organised by the London Borough of Hounslow, not Marjory Kinnon School. For information, assistance and appeals please contact the Borough directly using the following contact details:
School Travel Assistance Team
Children's and Adults’ Services
London Borough of Hounslow
Bridge Road Depot
Pears Road
Telephone: 020 8583 4177
London Borough of Hounslow website has published the following information regarding School Travel Assistance:
Hounslow’s School Travel Assistance policies set out the arrangements for meeting their statutory duty for eligible children and young people.
Eligibility for children aged 5-16
An ‘eligible’ child/young person is defined as one to whom at least one of the following criteria applies:
a child/young person with special educational needs, who has a disability or mobility problem, who lives within the walking distance, but cannot be expected to walk because of the nature of their SEN or their disability;
a child/young person who cannot be expected to walk because of the nature of his/her route;
a child beyond the walking distance (2 miles for pupils below the age of 8 and 3 miles for those aged 8 and over) who is without suitable alternative arrangements;
a child between 8 years and 11 years in a low–income family living more than 2 miles from their preferred suitable school; or
a young person in a low-income family living between 2 to 6 miles from his/her suitable secondary school.
Eligibility for young people aged 16-19
Eligibility for assistance will depend upon but not be limited to:
distance travelled
establishment and the course being attended
the availability of alternative resources.
We will use the school travel assistance policy criteria to decide whether the child/young person may be entitled to borough provided travel assistance.
All cases will be considered on their individual merits and in exceptional circumstances variations to the criteria may be applied.
When making a decision we will assess:
the individual pupil or young person's specific needs
the parents/carers' legal responsibility to bring about the attendance of the pupil at school
the suitability of the school, as defined in the guidance
our overall duty to ensure an efficient use of its resources.
Independent Travel
If your child is eligible for school travel assistance and you would like them to learn how to travel independently using public transport, Mencap is an organisation that provides the appropriate training and support. You can contact them directly or speak to your child’s class teacher, who will be able to support you and your child with the process. Click on the icon below to find out more about Mencap.