Secondary Curriculum 2024-25
Our curriculum intent is predicated on our school vision:
Every pupil will learn the skills and develop the confidence needed to become a valued, integrated and independent member of the community.
The curriculum has three main pathways which aim to meet the needs of our ASC pupils and are based on SCERTS principles.
Pathway 3- SCERTS -Social Partner stage- the curriculum focuses on independence, life-skills, communication, emotional regulation and sensory needs. It has a high level of therapeutic input and a highly personalised curriculum.
Pathway 1- SCERTS- Language Partner stage- this is a skills focused curriculum with an emphasis on functional literacy and numeracy skills and the development of language and communication. There are also opportunities to develop life and work skills and independence. Some subjects benefit from a thematic approach and delivery.
Pathway 2- SCERTS- Conversational Partner stage- this is a more subject based curriculum adapted and differentiated from the National Curriculum. It includes knowledge and skills based approaches.
All pathways offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all children, whatever their starting points, as they progress through each Key Stage. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum but also offers other experiences and opportunities which best meet the individual learning and developmental needs of the pupils in our school. The aim of our curriculum is for pupils to have the requisite skills to be successful, independent and motivated learners who develop the independence and social and communication skills to thrive in the community.
There is a strong focus on Personal Development which includes the Thrive Approach to assess their developmental social and emotional needs.
In all pathways there is a very strong focus on SCERTS to promote social communication and emotional regulation for ASC pupils and an emphasis on life skills and independence, vocational and work related learning in KS4.
English in KS3 and KS4
The school recognises that the children’s significant barriers to learning include reading and writing and therefore put a big emphasis to ensure reading and writing are taught across the curriculum in all subjects. We believe every teacher is a teacher of reading and ensure all specialist teachers are trained in correct teaching of phonics. KS3 uses The Power of Reading scheme to promote the love of reading and ensure access to a wide range of quality fiction, poetry and non-fiction texts. The use of this scheme also ensures sequential teaching and learning in English and continuity from KS2. The Read Write Inc. approach is used to teach phonics and reading where needed still and to support the development of literacy skills across the curriculum. Short phonics sessions are taught on a daily basis during English lessons and the skills are applied and developed in other lessons across the curriculum. Reading is taught through shared, guided and individual sessions using age appropriate staged reading schemes.
In KS4 pupils follow an accreditation pathway to study for Entry Level or Functional skills English.
Mathematics in KS3 and KS4
We use a ‘Mastery’ approach to teach mathematics in KS3 and KS4 to promote continuity from KS2. There are three key principles: deepening understanding, mathematical thinking and mathematical language. Maths Meetings are a vital part of our Maths Mastery programme and are used to consolidate key learning. Pupils are encouraged to learn through practical activities and opportunities for real life application of Maths.
In KS4 pupils follow an accreditation pathway to study for Entry Level or Functional skills Maths.
Science in KS3 and KS4
In science, pupils in KS3 follow a spiral curriculum based on the National Curriculum and are taught to work scientifically using practical scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the programme of study content. Work is recorded in a variety of ways including the use of drawings, charts, graphs and photographs.
In science in KS4 pupils follow an accreditation pathway to achieve BTEC in Applied Science.
Computing in KS3 and KS4
In computing the curriculum focuses on core skills in the National Curriculum and is adapted to meet the needs of the pupils. There is an emphasis on E Safety and Digital Media skills. Accreditation in KS4 is the IT BTEC/Digital Media
Foundation subjects in KS3 and KS4
Other subjects in KS3 and KS4 include: Art and design, Food Technology, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education (PE), Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Religious Education. RSE is embedded in the PHSE curriculum. In KS3 and KS4 pupils are taught by specialist art, PE, science and music teachers. Religious Education is enriched through thematic days linked to key religious and cultural festivals for all the world faiths. MFL is taught through a bespoke adapted thematic programme of days covering a variety of languages and cultures. There are accreditation opportunities in many of these subjects that include Entry Level and BTEC outcomes. Work related learning and life skills are taught from a bespoke scheme of work.
In KS4 pupils have access to a bespoke work related learning curriculum and a careers curriculum based on the Gatsby Benchmarks.
For many of our pupils their time at school can be emotionally demanding. We are also aware of the length of time pupils may spend travelling to and from school. We therefore do not expect pupils to be studying and completing homework at the end of every school day. As in other areas of teaching and learning, homework is highly personalised. Any parent/carer who wishes to support school work at home in more depth can discuss and agree this with the class teacher.
Enrichment, cultural capital and therapeutic offers.
The pupils have access to the following therapeutic areas in line with their EHCP provision:
Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, , a Nurture group provision, Play Therapy, Music Therapy, Thrive sessions in the Thrive rooms and Sensory sessions in our Sensory room.
The school has an allotment and a vocational learning and horticulture practitioner.
Educational visits linked to the curriculum units they are covering. DoE Bronze award including an outward bounds camping visit in Year 10.
Social and community visits for ASC pupils.
In-house workshops and drama and music performances to boost cultural capital.
Details of our curriculum for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 can be found below. Further details of the curriculum can be obtained by contacting Mrs A Higgins, Head of Secondary, via the school Office at
Key Stage 3
Pathway 1 (Pathway 1 is thematic, with cross curricular links around a text studied in Literacy).
Key Stage 4
Pathway 1 (Pathway 1 is thematic, with cross curricular links around a text studied in Literacy).
Pathway 2